Who’s crac-ing the code?

“Curiousity never kills the crac. Look everywhere, are you sure there’s a crac in the box?”

I love finding patterns and drawing connections to make sense of the world around me.
I don’t see the world as binary. I love seeing the world brewing in an infinite spectrum of rainbows, and even colours that we can’t see or understand yet. learning and understanding as many perspectives as I can and tapping into the unchartered excites me.

Life is more fun unlocking puzzles in a multidimensional world.

– …. . / .-. . .- .-.. / –.- ..- . … – .. — -. / …. . .-. . / .. … / .– …. -.– ..–..

Current personal philosophy on delivering ideas:

My bright triad:

Everything else outside this is so not worth it…

.-.. .. ..-. . / .– .. – …. — ..- – / .–. .- … … .. — -. / .. … / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- .. -. –. / -… — .-. .. -. –. .-.-.-