Physical vs Metaphysical Parallelity.

Physical vs Metaphysical Parallelity.

I was in a dream, dreaming that I was discussing some business plans with some men in the boardroom.

Halfway through the meeting, I really needed to use the bathroom as I felt the physical urgency, but I still wanted to go all gas and no brakes for the meeting by holding it in.

Eventually, I gave up and excused myself from the meeting.

However, the exact same physical discomfort still lingered, like nothing had changed. I needed to get rid of that pain. So I thought hard in my dream state and realised that the feeling of the full tank was stemming from my physical body, not my dream self.

Then I proceeded to purge my consciousness and wake myself up, and use the bathroom in the physical world instead.

Instant relief and great satisfaction.

So here’s the question:

What if the reverse applies?

If you have a pain in your reality that doesn’t go away, you can actually easily(!) fix it by fixing it in the metaphysical? 🙂


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